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Atlantic Technological University - Department of Veterinary Medicine<br />Salary: ?66,252 to ?102,509
Atlantic Technological University - Department of Veterinary Medicine<br />Salary: ?93,174 to ?119,791
University of Surrey - Veterinary Pathology Centre<br />Salary: £56,082 to £82,234 per annum (includes Veterinary Market Allowance and Pathologist Specialism Allowance)
The Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM) seeks a qualified family physician for the position of Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs to provide direction and innovation in our efforts to grow and transform the clinical experience for our...
University of Leeds - Faculty of Medicine & Health - School of Dentistry - Division of Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics<br />Salary: £99,532 to £131,964 per annum (pro-rata)
University of Glasgow - College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences - School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine<br />Salary: £58,596 to £65,814 per annum (Grade 9)
The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky is seeking a faculty member to primarily focus upon the care of patients with adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University...
The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky is seeking a faculty member to primarily focus upon the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Kentucky...
The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky is seeking a faculty member to primarily focus upon the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Kentucky...
The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Kentucky is seeking a faculty member to primarily focus upon the care of patients with cardiovascular diseases within the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Kentucky...
The University of Kentucky is currently seeking a faculty member within the division of Rheumatology, in the College of Medicine. The search is being conducted at open rank, and this position will act as an attending physician for Rheumatology...
The University of Kentucky is currently seeking a faculty member within the division of Rheumatology, in the College of Medicine. The search is being conducted at open rank, and this position will act as an attending physician for Rheumatology...
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