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Up to £416 per day: RECRUITMENT GENIUS: Deliver HR classes from 5.30pm - 9.30pm one evening per week or from 9am to 3pm one day per fortnight. Excellent Hourly Rate Are you CIPD qu London
Competitive: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD): With growing concerns about coronavirus (covid-19) you may be wondering how this may affect this role. We want to re-assure you that in these uncertai Birmingham
Competitive: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD): With growing concerns about coronavirus (covid-19) you may be wondering how this may affect this role. We want to re-assure you that in these uncertai Surrey
Are you an experienced HR professional who is ready to take on your next challenge? Are you looking for a fulfilling and rewarding career rather than just another job? Do you crave an autonomous environment where you have the freedom to really...
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